Music x Healthcare — Music x Healthcare — Music x Healthcare — Music x Healthcare — Music x Healthcare — Music x Healthcare — Music x Healthcare — Music x Healthcare — Music x Healthcare — Music x Healthcare — Music x Healthcare — Music x Healthcare — Music x Healthcare — Music x Healthcare — Music x Healthcare — Music x Healthcare —
According to research, listening daily to music shows positive effects on improving patients’ cognitive, psychosocial, behavioral and motor functions. Music alters patterns of pain, stress or disorders. Acting as a distraction, music improves patients’ state of mind and helps to reduce the perception of pain.
For those undergoing recovery, music is a spirit lifter, an emotional arousal which stimulates confidence, optimism and strength.
Soothing music – in a waiting room for example, can alter positively the wait perception and reduce anxiety for both patients and their relatives.
/ Brancatisano, O., Baird, A. and Thompson, W. F. (2020), ‘Why is music therapeutic for neurological disorders? The Therapeutic Music Capacities Model’, Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, Vol. 112, Page 600-615. [Available on:]
/ Henneghan, A. M., et al, ‘A randomized control trial of meditation compared to music listening to improve cognitive function for breast cancer survivors: Feasibility and acceptability’, Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, Volume 41. [Available on:]
/ Mishra, R. et al. (2021), ‘Role of Music Therapy in Traumatic Brain Injury: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis’, World Neurosurgery, Vol. 146, Page 197-204. [Available on:]
/ Mondanaro, J. F. et al. (2020), ‘The Effects of Clinical Music Therapy on Resiliency in Adults Undergoing Infusion: A Randomized, Controlled Trial’, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. [Available on:]
/ Latif, A. I. et al. (2020), ‘Effectiveness of music therapy in reducing the level of anxiety among cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy’, Enfermería Clínica, Volume 30, Supplement 2, Pages 304-307. [Available on:]
“My heart has often been solaced and refreshed by music when sick and weary.”
Music shows positive effects on improving patients’: